TEDxHAPPILY Keynote Performer- 10/10/2020

TEDxHappily Speaker Social Card for Sharing George Ko.png

George was invited to be the keynote performer for a TED/TEDx conference co-hosted and produced by Happily IO. The conference, COUNTDOWN, was the kickoff to an ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. Speakers, presenters, artists, and creatives came together to discuss ways that we can all lower our carbon footprint. George’s music provided the aural backdrop for the digital conference, as well as featured at the close of the event as the featured musical act.

You can watch the conference below.

A screenshot of the RESPECT panels for the conference.

A screenshot of the RESPECT panels for the conference.


Bowers Museum Chinese New Year Festival- 02/14/2021


Homestyle Music Fest with George Ko- Online 07/10/2020